Selasa, 31 Maret 2015
Macam-macam Perkedel Indonesia
Macam-macam Perkedel Indonesia - Admin kali ini mengulas asal-muasal masakan nusantara yang bernama perkedel. Makanan ini ada di saat penjajahan Belanda pasti tahu asal-usul makanan yang umum disantap berbarengan sop ayam ini.
Perkedel sebenarnya adalah hidangan yang popular di Jerman, dimana makanan ini di kenal dengan nama Frikadellen. Tidak cuma itu. Makanan ini dapat jadi salah satu kuliner khas di sebagian negara-negara Eropa, seperti Denmark, Kepulauan Faroe, Norwegia, Polandia, Rusia, Estonia, Ukraina, Belanda, serta Lithuania. Sesaat di Afrika Selatan, perkedel sudah jadi sisi dari warisan kuliner bangsa Afrika, jadi jangan bangga dulu kalau kita makan masakan ini dan menyebutnya sebagai makanan khas indonesia.hahahha
Perkedel terbuat dari kombinasi daging serta kentang. Tidak tidak sering, bahan paling utama untuk bikin perkedel, seperti kentang, ditukar dengan umbi-umbian, umpamanya singkong atau ubi jalar. Tetapi, ada juga yang menggunakan tahu atau jagung juga sebagai pengganti kentang. Disamping itu, Frikadellen dengan cara tradisional terbuat dari daging sapi atau daging babi cincang atau kombinasi dari keduanya, yang lalu di beri bumbu dari bawang, telur, susu (atau air), remah-remah roti (atau oatmeal atau tepung), garam, serta merica. Intinya, perkedel versus Eropa memakai 100 % daging, sedang perkedel versus Indonesia memakai kombinasi kentang serta daging.
Perkedel yaitu kata serapan yang di ambil dari bhs Belanda Frikadel. Mungkin saja dahulu waktu orang Belanda menyampaikan Frikadel, lidah orang Indonesia agak keseleo waktu menirukannya. Alhasil, kita saat ini menyebutkan makanan ini dengan nama perkedel.
Nah dibawah ini ada beberapa resep membuat perkedel, dari bahan jagung, tahu, tempe dan kentang ;
Minggu, 08 Maret 2015
Cheap Simple Steamed Brownies Recipe
Cheap Simple Steamed Brownies Recipe - Ok I'm sure you agree if there is a way to bake brownies steamed simple and economical or cheap is what trying at home, do not ?.
This afternoon my sister in law sms, ask for steamed brownies recipe. Confused how to deliver, if passed could sms sms until 7 respectively. Fine, finally dibikinin note wrote on FB. I've been a few times to make steamed brownies. With a variety of recipes.
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brownies recipe |
Try anyway the story. From which the materials are expensive and can be difficult in the village, until the ingredients are simple and there are everywhere. But finally, I matched with steamed brownies are economical and practical. Ga use melted butter and DCC event (dark cooking chocolate). Quite bland-pit and it tolerable deh. Soft, nyoklat with meisyes melt in the middle. Here's the recipe
4 eggs
175 grams of sugar
½ tablespoon emulsifier (at the grocery store brand cake Ovalet / TBM / SP / kind).
100 grams of wheat protein were (stamp triangle / blue bear)
45 grams of cocoa powder
75 ml of sweetened condensed milk (2 Sachet flag milk chocolate)
100 cc of water
125 cc vegetable oil
Brown meyses taste
Directions Cheap Simple Steamed Brownies Recipe :
Beat eggs, sugar until fluffy, enter emulsifier whipped until thick and stiff tread.
Stir in the flour, cocoa powder, stir until well blended (disposable mixer).
Give sweetened condensed milk and stir again.
Add water and oil, stir again.
Grease a baking pan with vegetable oil until blended.
1/2 steamed dough and steamed section 15 minutes or until cooked.
Sprinkle top with chocolate meyses
Enter the 1/2 portion of dough rest, steamed 30 minutes.
This recipe source of mailing Natural Cooking Club. I choose because the ingredients readily available, simple and economical. How to make it too easy. It feels similar to a brownie yes passable kukusnya Amanda: D. If you want to feel more nyoklat use cocoa powder rather expensive (eg brand Van houtten, in Indomaret usually many). It should be noted in making steamed brownies are:
Let ga bantet, beat eggs until completely rigid. Mark when beaten eggs dicolek with fingers, then stuck in finger pointy shape and fixed. If using a regular handmixer (not heavy duty) about 30 minutes. If shaken use a hand? Can not know until stiff engga, which no rigid arms: D.
Let ga mushy under, while stirring the vegetable oil must be completely flat (dough so homogeneous, oil blends are not misah).
Let ga bantet, steam heat until steamy much before the batter into the steamer. Use enough water, not until seethe water on a baking sheet.
Let ga bantet, Cover the steamer lid with a clean towel, so that moisture does not fall on the cake so that the cake failed to thrive and bumpy surface.
Use low heat when steaming, great fire will make the top of the cake bumpy.
O yes, my brother in law once asked, emulsifier was what?
Emulsifier was one chemical for food additives are useful to bind the liquid to the egg so quickly whisk the egg does not go down when the dough had to wait for the maturation process (steamed or grilled). Emulsifier is also useful to help speed up the climate of eggs when shaken.
Emulsifier own assortment of brands and only a few that have a halal certificate from MUI. So if fear subhat with this emulsifier content, ga pake also engga anything.
But, if no emulsifier need more egg yolks. And let the eggs can be inflated and rigid, whisk the eggs while soaking in a bowl whisk the eggs in a larger basin with hot water when the whisk.
Eh eh, style kayak course instructors already wrote. So deh approx. You see, not an expert in make cakes. Just wrote a little experience, plus the results of browsing from a variety of sources.
enjoy my Cheap Simple Steamed Brownies Recipe.
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